Food Processing

So what does the food industry of the near future look like? What role will technologies play in it? Can artificial intelligence be used to optimize processes? Can real-time data drive production? How can maintenance of machinery and equipment be accurately predicted and downtime reduced to a bare minimum? What alternative food sources can be used and how? What about quality control? And how do we make the origin of food comprehensible to the customer?

The world faces the challenge of feeding more than 9 billion people by 2050. The food industry must produce more efficiently, sustainably, or even radically new. Whether it concerns CO2 emissions, food safety, chain transparency, sustainable food, or clean label, there is an urgent need for improvements. Certainly also on a technological scale. EffCo helps clients in the food processing industry to optimize front-end processes: Marketing, R&D, production, logistics, sales, etc.… to increase efficiency, cut lead times, yield higher margins, and to be more agile in the challenging global marketplace.